Important Education McQs For PPSC lecturer jobs
Here is lecture on these mcqs
Important One Liner for Pedagogy preparation
- Idea of liberal education was given by. Robert Hutchen
- Child development according developmental law. Frobel
- Paulo freire is associated with Reconstructionism
- Non punitive class room management . Existentialist
- IQ testing which philosophy. Essentialism
- Open class room Existentialism
- Critical thinking as teaching method Reconstructionism
- Muhammadan educational conference. 1886
- Deontology ethics issue+universal code
- Taba model of curriculum development. 1964
- Seven liberal arts classical curriculum
- Trivium subjects. Grammar , logic, rhetoric
- Reillly behavioural objective presented in 1975
- Performance objectives presented by Davies 1976
- Instructional objectives Mager 1975
- Eisner expressive objectives 1985
- Curr as the sun total of students activities which the school sooner for the purpose of achieving it's objectives alberty alberty
- General statement of SlOs called. Goals
- Academic approach john dewey
- Concept of curriculum correlation John Herbart
- Advocating moral education in Education john herbart
- Survival of fittest Herbert Spencer
- Educational change model Michel Fullan
- Concept of convergent divergent thinking J.P Guilford
- Founder of humanistic Carl Roger
- Cognitive learning theory of categorization Bruner
- A need to hunger as a stimulus the smell of food
- Educational intelligence john d mayer , salovey
- Mnemonic memory tricks
- DATB differential aptitude test betry DATB measure general ability
- Normal curve resemble bell
- Assessment latin word assider mean to sit beside
- Which is a projective test roschach inkblot test
- SAT is example of NRT
- Mintzberg role of leader. A person who is responsible for the motivation and activation of subordinates
- HRM is normally proactive
- PERT chart assist Budgeting
- GANTT chart is scheduling
- Black and mouton leadership model middle of the road
- Coercive power is dependent on fear
- Lassiz fear theory adam smith
- Intermediate plan 1 to 5 years
- Total delegation attend frst conference 48
- Total Sub committee formed in frst conference total 10
- Which policy focus guidence of students 1959
- Serving food to students 59
- How many chapters in the report of 59 total 27
- Pages in 59 report 370
- Education of handicapped children 59
- 25% internal exams 59 policy
- Education as a discipline 1970
- National book foundation 1972
- School were nationalized ist October 1974
- College were nationalized 1 sep 1972
- Plan under policy 1979 5th plan
- Four tier system 1979 pri sc school coleg
- Technical and vocational edu 79
- objective questions increased 1992
- Education budget increased to 4 %of gdp 98 policy
- Concept of educational research SM Corey
- Spearman,s rank correlation measured at scale level
- P value determind from f value ANOVA
- Research report for academic purpose dissertation
- Herbert steps . Preparation presentation association assimilation application
- 7th gift consist of sqaure and triangles
- Who introduced chi sqaure pearson, karl
- Who introduced the term learning disability 1963 samuel kirk
- Plan of individual instruction developed by winnetka plan
- Area of science class room 30 to35 feet
- Which is terimanl stage secondary schooling
- Piaget developed 3 mountain test to assess egocentrism
- John dewey died 1952
- Carnegie unit to high schools total 14
- Carnegie units was sevelop in 1906
- Plato was born 427 bc and died age of 80
- By plato good news is apprehended by reason
- In critical pedagogy role of teacher is problem poser
- Development of Reflective practices Schon
- Technical education was focused in sergeant report
- Solo texonomy describe learner performance
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