Friday, 25 December 2020

Pedagogy Revision

Important Education McQs For PPSC lecturer jobs

Here is lecture on these mcqs

Important One Liner for Pedagogy preparation
  1. Idea of liberal education was given by. Robert Hutchen
  2. Child development according developmental law. Frobel
  3. Paulo freire is associated with Reconstructionism
  4. Non punitive class room management . Existentialist
  5. IQ testing which philosophy. Essentialism
  6. Open class room Existentialism
  7. Critical thinking as teaching method Reconstructionism
  8. Muhammadan educational conference. 1886
  9. Deontology ethics issue+universal code
  10. Taba model of curriculum development. 1964
  11. Seven liberal arts classical curriculum
  12. Trivium subjects. Grammar , logic, rhetoric
  13. Reillly behavioural objective presented in 1975
  14. Performance objectives presented by Davies 1976
  15. Instructional objectives Mager 1975
  16. Eisner expressive objectives 1985

  17. Curr as the sun total of students activities which the school sooner for the purpose of achieving it's objectives alberty alberty
  18. General statement of SlOs called. Goals
  19. Academic approach john dewey
  20. Concept of curriculum correlation John Herbart
  21. Advocating moral education in Education john herbart
  22. Survival of fittest Herbert Spencer
  23. Educational change model Michel Fullan
  24. Concept of convergent divergent thinking J.P Guilford 
  25. Founder of humanistic Carl Roger
  26. Cognitive learning theory of categorization Bruner
  27. A need to hunger as a stimulus the smell of food
  28. Educational intelligence john d mayer , salovey
  29. Mnemonic memory tricks
  30. DATB differential aptitude test betry DATB measure general ability
  31. Normal curve resemble bell
  32. Assessment latin word assider mean to sit beside
  33. Which is a projective test roschach inkblot test 
  34. SAT is example of NRT
  35. Mintzberg role of leader. A person who is responsible for the motivation and activation of subordinates
  36. HRM is normally proactive
  37. PERT chart assist Budgeting
  38. GANTT chart is scheduling
  39. Black and mouton leadership model middle of the road
  40. Coercive power is dependent on fear
  41. Lassiz fear theory adam smith
  42. Intermediate plan 1 to 5 years
  43. Total delegation attend frst conference 48
  44. Total Sub committee formed in frst conference total 10 
  45. Which policy focus guidence of students 1959
  46. Serving food to students 59
  47. How many chapters in the report of 59 total 27
  48. Pages in 59 report 370
  49. Education of handicapped children 59
  50. 25% internal exams 59 policy
  51. Education as a discipline 1970
  52. National book foundation 1972
  53. School were nationalized ist October 1974
  54. College were nationalized 1 sep 1972
  55. Plan under policy 1979 5th plan
  56. Four tier system 1979 pri sc school coleg
  57. Technical and vocational edu 79
  58. objective questions increased 1992
  59. Education budget increased to 4 %of gdp 98 policy
  60. Concept of educational research SM Corey
  61. Spearman,s rank correlation measured at scale level
  62. P value determind from f value ANOVA
  63. Research report for academic purpose dissertation
  64. Herbert steps . Preparation presentation association assimilation application
  65. 7th gift consist of sqaure and triangles
  66. Who introduced chi sqaure pearson, karl
  67. Who introduced the term learning disability 1963 samuel kirk
  68. Plan of individual instruction developed by winnetka plan
  69. Area of science class room 30 to35 feet
  70. Which is terimanl stage secondary schooling

  71. Piaget developed 3 mountain test to assess egocentrism
  72. John dewey died 1952
  73. Carnegie unit to high schools total 14 
  74. Carnegie units was sevelop in 1906
  75. Plato was born 427 bc and died age of 80
  76. By plato good news is apprehended by reason
  77. In critical pedagogy role of teacher is problem poser
  78. Development of Reflective practices Schon
  79. Technical education was focused in sergeant report
  80. Solo texonomy describe learner performance 

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