Sunday, 17 February 2019

Assessment in Education mcqs for prepraion of lecturer education

Quiz Questions

Quiz Questions

1. Instrument used for measuring sample of behavior is?

A. Test

B. Measurement

C. Assessment

D. Evaluation

2. Limited to quantitative description of pupil’s performance is?

A. Test

B. Measurement

C. Assessment

D. Evaluation

3. The aim of the evaluation is to make?

A. Decision

B. Prediction

C. Judgment

D. Opinion

4. The purpose of evaluation is to form judgment about educational?

A. Quantity

B. Quality

C. Time period

D. Age

5. Evaluation that monitors learning progress is?

A. Placement evaluation

B. Formative evaluation

C. Diagnostic evaluation

D. Summative evaluation

6. A proper and systematic procedure of getting information is?

A. Test

B. Measurement

C. Assessment

D. Evaluation

7. The process of obtaining numerical value is?

A. Test

B. Measurement

C. Assessment

D. Evaluation

8. A sum of questions is?

A. Test

B. Measurement

C. Assessment

D. Evaluation

9. The first step in measurement is?

A. Decision of what to measure

B. Development of the test

C. Administering the test

D. None

10. The purpose of formative evaluation is?

A. Decision of what to measure

B. Development of the test

C. Administering the test

D. Monitoring progress of students

11. To assess achievement at the top of instruction is?

A. Placement Assessment

B. Formative Assessment

C. Summative Assessment

D. Diagnostic Assessment

12. Vast of all in scope?

A. Test

B. Measurement

C. Assessment

D. Evaluation

13. The least in scope is?

A. Test

B. Measurement

C. Assessment

D. Evaluation

14. Permanent difficulties in learning are investigated in?

A. Placement Assessment

B. Formative Assessment

C. Summative Assessment

D. Diagnostic Assessment

15. Broader in meaning is?

A. Aims

B. Objectives

C. Instructional objectives

D. Specific Objectives

16. Procedures used to determine person abilities is?

A. Maximum performance test

B. Typical performance test

C. Norm performance test

D. Criterion performance test

17. In norm referenced test the comparison is between?

A. Groups

B. Individuals

C. Areas

D. Interest

18. During which question marking are going to be more reliable?

A. Completion

B. Short answer

C. Multiple-choice question

D. Essay

19. Facility value of less than 0.20 means?

A. Item is too easy

B. Item is difficult

C. Item is acceptable

D. Item is easy

20. Objective type questions have an advantage over essay type because such questions?

A. Are easy to prepare

B. Are easy to solve

C. Are easy to mark

D. None

21. Discrimination value of more than 0.4 means?

A. Item is good

B. Item is acceptable

C. Item is weak

D. None

22. Which reliability coefficient is considered excellent?

A. 0.80

B. 0.70

C. 0.60

D. 0.50

23. Low reliability means?

A. Test is consistent

B. Test is inconsistent

C. Test is difficult

D. Test is valid

24. Internal consistency of a test is assessed using?

A. Split-half method

B. Test-retest method

C. Item analysis

D. Standard error

25. The true score theory states that a test score is the sum of?

A. True score and error score

B. True score and constant score

C. True score and valid score

D. True score and reliable score

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