Sunday, 12 February 2023

Introduction to Education Q 11 to 20

11. Education planned with a particular end in view is?

a. Formal education
b. Informal education
c. Both
d. None of These

12. Non formal education?

a. Flexible rules of entry and exit
b. Rigid rules of entry and exit
c. Few rues of entry and exit
d. no rules of entry and exit

13. Formal Education has?

a. Flexible rules of entry and exit
b. Rigid rule of entry and exit
c. Few rules of entry and exit
d. No rules of entry and exit

14. Informal educatin has?

a. Flexible rules of entry and exit
b. Rigid rules of entry and exit
c. Few rules of entry and exit
d. No rules of entry and exit

15. the education confined to educational institutions is?

a. Informal
b. Non Formal
c. Formal
d. Learning

16. Education imported mostly by correspondence is?

a. informal
b. Non Formal
c. Formal
d. Technical

17. Education is not pre planned in?

a. informal
b. Non formal
c. Formal
d. Technical

18. Informal education is ?

a. Just Schooling
b. Time Bond
c. Life long
d. Pre Planned

19. What is the most important element of non formal education

a. Teacher
b. Society
c. Media
d. School

20. Which one is not the source of Formal education?

a. school
b. Museum
c. Library
d. home

Introduction to Education Q 1 to 10


Introduction to Education